The Super Dandys
They put the “F” in “Fop”!
They put the “F” in “Fop”!
This hideous t shirt was released just in time to stand as a reminder that North America briefly embraced CB radios and trucker culture…
“Hey, I’ve got the new Leo Sayer album, if you’d like to come over, I can put it on and help you with your latest macrame project”
It’s clip show time again, that means I’m either drunk or in jail but most likely both. It’s been almost five years since the original “Best of Fashion Mockery” was released onto an unsuspecting interwebs, so it seems fitting to go through the treasure trove of fun polyester atrocities we’ve compiled since then. So much to see […]
Don’t mistake your dress alike man pulling you closer as an act of togetherness, he mostly likely just spotted one of his friends and wants some cover…
“Hello Monday, gimmee all you got!”
Why does that girl have the Mutual of Omaha logo on her back? Why do I know what the Mutual of Omaha logo looks like? Damn you Marlin Perkins!
King and Queen of the wild frontier…
Mine would say “farts inside (I blame you)”
Only the very best for the middle aged man who still lives with your grandparents and always tries to give your cousins wine.
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