

I’m not much of a jogger (it ain’t a pretty sight) but should I ever get the urge, a mustard yellow track suit will be my choice of uniform. Not only does it give me an Omega Man vibe but it also will hide the vomit stains that are sadly, pretty much a given…

Hey Guys!

“I’m Sweet Jimmy, the transfer from Idaho. What’s happening guys? Guys? Can you hear me? Hellooooooo? Earth to you guys!”

Space Amazons

“This Captain Rogers looks to be even better breeding stock than the Commander of Moonbase Alpha, have him sent to my quarters Zyla.”

Batman and the Orange Hand

Batman and the Orange Hand My friend Todd from Hake’s Americana sent me this incredible bit of 1970s weirdness. It’s a UK promotional catalog where Batman solves a case inexplicably by buying a young boy some polyester pants and a few sweaters.  Never has there ever been an item so fitting to what this website […]