
Hat Decisions

I like the Quill because it reminds me of those Robin Hood hats you get at Disney world. But “the Baron” turns an everyday Joe like me into Superfly. At the end of the day, it’s the Turban for me. I hope it comes in lavender.

Suspension of Belief

I know what you’re thinking, what about the children? Surely they deserve to look every bit as smooth as this man? Young men everywhere rejoice, It’s what every red headed step child needs. I cannot wait to see the look of joy on my son’s face this Christmas morn, when we open our matching sets.

The Wolfman for Mach 2

My pal Steve from Collecting Superman unearthed this amazing bit of 70s fashion greatness. Honestly, I can’t think of something that epitomizes this site better than this, especially during the month of Halloween. Trouble is, Steve is keeping it even though it’s obvious place in history is in my basement. 

The Concerto

At this risk of going too nerdy, is anyone else getting a 6th Doctor vibe from this. A “far cooler, probably would have worked better” 6th Doctor vibe? Beginning tomorrow, PlaidStallions will swap over into full on Halloween mode with weekly posts about all things Orange ‘n Black until the end of the month.,It’s gonna […]

The Big Diamond Walking Suit

The big diamond walking suit is ideal whether you’re out for a stroll, having a day at the park or minding your property at the street corner. On a side note: Moustache and Uni-brow are quickly becoming my favourite models ever. Mantooth Mandolls  available!