Solid Gold Lamme
When I rule the world and according to my schedule that will be soon, Gold Lamme sashes will not be a choice, they will be mandatory! You’ll all be happier, trust me, I know what I’m doing.
When I rule the world and according to my schedule that will be soon, Gold Lamme sashes will not be a choice, they will be mandatory! You’ll all be happier, trust me, I know what I’m doing.
The only thing on the menu today is sexiness. And french bread pizza.
Welcome to your double date from hell, they met at an improv class BTW.
Alternative title “Kiss me I’m 25% Irish”. I thought with it being St Patrick’s Day, we’d look back at some of the greenest outfits of the 1970s. Yep, it’s a clip show and I’m most likely hung over already, so let me catch a nap and you check out more after the jump: The name […]
Either one of these gentlemen can easily explain why a quadraphonic sound system is right for you.
The brief fad of dad’s wearing this monstrosity around the house has kept the therapy business alive since 1977.
Drink him in folks, drink him in. I’m not sorry. As an aside, he’s wearing the same pattern as my kitchen floor as a kid.
This is not only a dignified outfit but it also serves as a fully functioning wing suit, you will truly make an unforgettable entrance as gently glide down from the roof top.
I’m probably going to get this, mostly because it’ll give everyone I good shot of my ample man-cleavage. Eyes up here ladies…
Give Mother Nature the finger this winter with the storm coat.
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