
Starsky Love

A sampling from the Paul Michael Glaser “his ‘n hers” collection available only at select Montgomery Ward’s locations…

Come Sail Away…..

If your perfect evening includes hours of Macrame followed by a warm cup of chicory, then this my friend, is the garment for you. First 50 callers get a free Leo Sayer album…

Sales Kings

You are looking at the greatest pantyhose salesmen the St Louis area will ever know. Their tales are the stuff of airport bar legend…

Slumber Party Hijinx

Sadly, the fun evening was ruined when a heated debate over whether Jaws 2 cards were worth as much as Empire Strikes Back in “flipsies”, caused Richard to call his mom to pick him up.* (*based on a true story and for the record, Empire Strikes Back were totally worth at least two of your […]