

These Hee Haw inspired dress alike outfits remind me of cornpone erotic films of the early seventies like “The Pig Keeper’s Daughter” and “Sassy Sue” but maybe that’s just me…….

The Match Game : Winning Styles For Both of You

Nothing like waterproof outfits with great “hip huggin’ flares for the beach” but wait there’s more! The His and Her Zip-aways allow you to change in a flash revealing: That’s so you can reveal “Bold Bikinis for both of you” Be a show off with sleek and comfortable Antron Nylon. Wasn’t Antron a bad guy […]

Summer is Here!

And that means it’s time for the first ever Summer outfit week on Plaidstallions, spotlighting the only the greatest beach wear ever. This was made possible by my awesome find of Spring and Summer Catalogs at a flea market on the way home from Megomeet.The pic above is an interesting twist on dress-alikes, because of […]

Rejected Superhero Concepts

Few remember the “Lightning Twins” from the pre Claremont X-Men, their power was to join hands and sing Capenters songs, annoying anyone within earshot. Earshot was another rejected X-Man, thanks I’m here all week.