
PodStallions Episode 10: Glows in the Dark (Monster Toys)

Our second October episode, Jason and Brain try to cram in as many monster toys as they can into an hour and a half.  Aurora model kits, Marvel comics, action figures by Tomland, Remco and Lincoln International get discussed as does Cracked magazine, Power Records, the number of times we rented “LifeForce” on VHS (I’ve […]

Parachuting Super Monsters!

What better way to kick off a month of Halloween related updates  than to showcase this amazing AHI toy rarity I discovered. It’s rack toy monster madness and it’s all after the jump! OK I apologize for anybody fooled by that (terrible) photoshop job, this is not a real vintage toy discovery of any kind. […]

Lincoln Monster Mystery

I’ve been been pretty much under the assumption that I’d seen it all when it came to Lincoln Monsters. Well, that fell apart this weekend when I got this photo emailed me to me. These are the four perfect as the day they were made Monster figures shrunk wrapped to a card. To me, it […]

Revenge of the Lincoln Monsters!

Life is strange, if you had asked me 30 days ago if there was going to be a Lincoln Monster update in the Halloween blog posts this year, I’d have answered no.  Truth was, there wasn’t much by the way of things to update. Then all hell broke loose and I’ve got more than I […]

Remote Controlled Blah!

Miner (who seemed to have bought Multiple Toys) released these remote controlled inflatable figures in 1980 and what a super team up! Mickey Mouse, Dracula, The Incredible Hulk and a Shogun Warrior looking robot. It’s a child’s version of the league of extraordinary gentlemen! I remember not being particularly swayed by these as a nine year […]

The Victim Mystery Solved

For years now, it’s been bugging me if this 6 inch fashion doll that has been dubbed “The Victim” and said to be part of the Lincoln Monsters line of toys was a real thing or not. I had heard from people over the years who claimed to have her as a kid or saw […]

Cool Collections: John’s Monsters

I LOVE it when folks share their collections with me, especially when it’s stuff near and dear to my heart like Monster toys. John was kind enough to give us a peak into his lair today and it’s a drool worthy assortment of old and new, more after the jump. If you dare! A lot […]