
5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- AHI Joker, the Visitors, Superman, X-Ploratrons and Frankenstein VS the Gargantuas! Warning links are sponsored and may also contain shrimp. Uh-oh. Rob Roy Superman Shirt (affiliate link) — This is a pretty incredible design for the middle 1970s, I would have loved this as a kid.     […]

Pod Stallions Shorts: Dear Santa

We here at Pod Stallions H.Q. haven’t fully given up on the notion of Santa, or some similarly benevolent but less popular entity, taking requests for the Big Day. So in ultra-modern fashion, we’re broadcasting our Wish Lists rather than risking the letters getting lost in the holiday shuffle. Who knows, maybe someone’s listening and […]

Toy-Ventures: Kojak Toys

Toy-Ventures: Kojak Toys Who loves you, baby? Toy-Ventures this week looks at all the toys based on the TV show Kojak. Exactly why was there so much merchandise based on a tv show about a middle-aged detective that dealt with pimps? We get into that and talk about Power Records, Corgi toys and of course, […]