
Friend Good!

Here are some of the first few fun pics submitted for our 2010 Halloween Countdown Contest (which is still open BTW) these come to us from Jon of  Pop Culture Central and it’s him and his brother meeting the Frankenstein Monster at Universal stuidos in the 80s. I rarely get sent classic Monster Appearances so it’s blast to […]

Halloween Countdown 2010 Contest

It’s almost that time again, when me and many, many other bloggers participate in the annual event known as “Countdown to Halloween”. Click the link to learn more about how you can get involved. While I have 31 days planned filled with Monsters, costumes and other fightful things I could really use your help, so […]

Star Trek Contest Results

Got lots of fun responses to my question last week of Do you think you could take Captain Kirk in a fight? Here are a few of my favourites: “No way. He would Cheat.” “I think the safe answer is no. If it’s Kirk late in a season, once he doesn’t remove his shirt because […]

4th Birthday Contest Winners

So, I’m only a week late, which is a lot better than my batting average delivering Topless Robot articles (Rob Bricken is a patient, tolerant man) but it’s still nothing to be super proud of either. Anyway, here are the four winners (one for every year) of our forth birthday promotion, chosen at random by […]

PS Contest: Schoolyard BS winners

Well, you guys made it hard to decide but I’ve finally picked my three favourites out of the great submissions I received. I can’t believe how many of you heard that “Gene Simmons had a cow’s toungue surgericly implanted” thing, I used to believe that but not the “KISS went to Mars” my deskmate Andrew […]

Random scenes from a 70’s department store

I recently got a copy of a catalog from a Dolgin’s department store (I’ve never heard of them either) and I loved the little images on the cover. People in a mustard yellow store buying mustard yellow things and even though these are likely staged shots, there is some nostalgia to be had. Ah the […]


Going across the ocean today and back 31 years to look at the marvelous talking toys produced by Palitoy Bradgate. While we’re all spoiled by voice chips now, a talking toy was a complicated thing back in the day, involving a tiny record. Palitoy made a variety of these items including the Daleks, Batmobile, heck […]

Duhnuhnuhhnuh Batman Blue Ray Winners

The results are in from our first DVD contest, my kids picked the winners this morning, because I had to be fair, there are now four prize lots. First the answers: 1) Who was the better Riddler, Frank Gorshin or John Astin? There was no wrong answer in this although I was curious if anybody […]