
Colouring Book Theatre: Marlin Perkins Wild Kingdom

‘Marlin Perkins Wild Kingdom” by Whitman Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom will forever remind me of Sunday afternoons at my grandparents in that wasteland of TV that limited channels brought you in the 1970s. It was an oasis between Lawrence Welk and golf. Oddly I am obsessed with Lawrence Welk shows now. Even as a […]

The Best of Colouring Book Theatre

While I have a new batch of colouring books on the way, they’re not here yet so let’s phone it in and do a clip show citing the highs and lows of reviewing materials for no real good reason. Grab your crayons and follow me after the jump: Most Cringeworthy Hands down, the winner would […]

Colouring Book Theatre: H.R. Pufnstuff

H.R. Pufnstuf It’s been months since I found a good colouring book to review around here so I jumped on the horn and asked my friend Sharry (AKA Hardygirl on the Mego Museum forum) to dig one out of her pretty vast library and she chose this. To my surprise this book isn’t vintage, it’s […]

Colouring Book Theatre: The Bride of Frankenstein

‘Universal Monsters” by Golden When I did my poll last month, obviously the creech won out but a loit of folks seemed passionate about the Bride so it seemed fair to run a piece on this. Frankenstein is my favourite movie monster after all and it’s not like I have other colouring books to review […]

Colouring Book Theatre: Monster Squad

‘“Monster Squad” by Rand McNally As we close our month of Halloween goodness, I thought of no better choice than this newly discovered addition to my collection. As any reader to the blog would know, I kind of have a minor obsession with the 1976 Saturday morning series and finding merchandise from it. I was […]

Colouring Book Theatre: Jaws 2

Jaws 2″ by Treasure Books (1978)  If there ever was a horror film phenom in the 1970s, it was the original Jaws, a movie that made a generation scared of going out in the water. I did not see the film when it first came out but reputation alone carried it to the schoolyard. While merchandise for the original […]

Colouring Book Theatre: Creature from the Black Lagoon

‘Universal Monsters” by Golden Our final look at this fun book was chosen by you the reader and I can’t honestly say I’m surprised it’s the creech, his popularity is probably why his toys cost so darn much in any assortment. To be honest, I share that fascination and always have, the Creature sits at […]

Colouring Book Theatre: The Wolfman

‘Universal Monsters” by Golden Continuing our Journey through this fun bit of Universal merchandise from 1990, we’re going to take a look at the Lon Chaney jr classic “The Wolfman”. Like all the stories in this book, they are told in short vignettes devoid of any text. I really kind of like this approach although […]

Colouring Book Theatre: Frankenstein

‘Universal Monsters” by Golden Seeing as it’s Halloween Countdown Month, I’m going to put up a CBT every week devoted to all things horror. This week’s entry is a segment from a 90s colouring book I recently found. I’ll run a couple of monster specific ones over the course of the month. I’m kind of […]

Colouring Book Theatre: The Dukes of Hazzard

‘Dukes of Hazzard” by Modern Publications I’m going to preface today’s CBT with the confession that I have little to no nostalgia for Dukes of Hazzard. I don’t hate it or think people who like it are dumb, I just don’t really dig it. My fondest memory of the show is it became the subject […]