
The Top Ten Coolest 70s Marvel Comics Toys

The 1970s was an absolute windfall of Marvel comics merchandise, the house of ideas sold out and we were better off for it. By 1976, the Marvel comics license was shared with dozens of toy manufacturers all vying for our parents hard earned money.  Here are top ten of the best Marvel comics toys from […]

Now this is a Halloween Costume

I stumbled upon this auction and it’s so up my alley that it bugs me. This is an original Captain America Mall Appearance suit by Marvel. I saw Captain America at Woolco when I was five, so needless to say, my non ownership of this is a problem.  I am off to buy some lotto […]

70s Captain America Merchandise Tribute Gallery

Growing up, one of my favourite Superheroes of all time was Marvel Comic’s Sentinel of Lberty, Captain America! Which is totally weird because I’m Canadian, but I digress. As a child, the good Captain adorned a ton of merchandise that I do not own. Fortunately, I know one of Cap’s biggest fans Tim A (Marvelmania on the […]