
Warrior’s Battle Jacket

This vintage ad used to perplex me as a kid, mainly, why would they make adult sizes? Granted, I grew up slightly rural but I could not fathom an adult that would wear a warrior’s battle jacket, certainly not an adult woman. I wish I could send comic con footage to my nine year old […]

Vintage Toy Store Photos Volume 12

It’s time once again to be whisked back to a simplier time, one that was dominated by “Mom and Pop” toy chains and the wonderful, almost chaotic way toys were distributed. Plaidstallions Vintage Toy Store Photos volume twelve is different from previous entries in that it features images from a photo album of a former Mattel employee, who […]

1978 Mattel Electronic Games Catalog

Electronic games have come an incredible way since 1978 but it’s hard not to fondly remember the simple pleasure of these awesome hand helds by Mattel. Without the sophistication available today, these games were not only fun to play but affordable as well. 1978 was a year of modest but popular offerings including a game […]

1978 Mattel Codename: Galactica Catalog

Several months before it’s TV Debut Mattel Toys debuted their merchandise based on the upcoming series titled “Code Name: Galactica” which we all would come to know as “Battlestar Galactica”. 20th Century Fox would promptly ligitate the makers of Galactica for copyright infringement but the one thing that Galactica had over Star Wars was the […]

By Your Command!

Jason Lenzi from Bif Bang Pow Sent in this wunderbar shot of him at Universal Studios circa 1979 with a real live Cylon. This is just a small sample of some of his cool vacation pics from that tour that I’ll brining to the site in the next few weeks. Looking at them, it’s no […]

1979 Collegeville means KISS (and some Cylons)

Awww yeah, we wrap up our month of Halloween with our third dip into the “Collegeville barrel” with this grooving catalog from 1979.’79 saw some great new additions to Collegeville as they scored some major licenses most important at the time would be KISS, the rock band that wore Halloween costumes 24/7. For the space […]

Cylon Swag

I thought I’d seen everything BSG related but I honestly have never seen that Calculator before. The radio is one of the more “on model” cylon pieces I’ve ever seen, a lot of this stuff just didn’t really look right.

Cylon Day!

Yay, it’s Cylon day, not the sexy Cylons of recent times but the old school kind (which if you find them sexy, I guess that’s ok). First off is the new Cylon Trading card, (#21 for anybody counting) I never had these 12″ electronic figures but they make for a more interesting card then the […]