
PodStallions 16: Buck or Starbuck?

Episode 16 finds us going “Full On Glen A Larson” with a delving into his seminal science fiction works. Even though we touched upon both of these shows in episode 7, neither Jason nor Brian felt we did either justice. Episode 16 goes deeper into both Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers and sees our hosts […]

By your command, Billy

I adore the fact that it appears the Cylon is hanging on his every word… Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three free promotional post cards.

Galactica Cruiser

These little ships knocked around under a different bunch of names before Galactic. My dad sold them with a weird generic sci fi card that I’m going insane trying to find. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three […]

Cylon Socks

Yep, two days of Battlestar Galactica themed items, you have died and gone to heaven. I think I finally found something even dorkier than these. There is just something so odd about trying to make tube socks cool.. I also love the wonderful merging of themes here, is this toy love or fashion mockery? Why, […]

A place for your cubits

For those of you who’ve stayed up long nights wondering what a case of Larami Battlestar Galactica wallets looked like, rest easy my friends. Also, seek help, that’s not a good sign. Say what you will about the remake series but they didn’t get cheap dollar store wallets with a girl Starbuck did they? Actually, […]

Battlestar to the moon!

At first glance the Larami L.E.M lander looks more logical, almost in synch with the series. I mean these guys packaged EVERYTHING under the BSG banner save for sewing sets including jets, yes just plain ordinary fighter planes. However, the L.E.M lander is just a repackaged moon landing toy and has absolutely nothing to do […]

Vintage Toy Store Pictures: Part 13

It’s time once again to be whisked back to a simplier time, one that was dominated by “Mom and Pop” toy chains and the wonderful, almost chaotic way toys were distributed.  Vintage Toy Store Shots thirteen features images from a former Mattel employee, who seemed to in charge of taking shots of retail displays and […]

Cosmic Bubble Machine

This toy surfaced exactly one year after the cancellation of Battlestar Galactica, as conincedence may have it Larami used to hold that license. What an incredibly random thing to happen. As a side note, it is impossible to look at all imposing blowing bubbles. Check out our upcoming book!