
Wall Crawling Goodies

With the recent addition of Star Trek and Planet of the Apes and Batman galleries to the Azrak Hamway section of the site, it was important to get this guy involved. Next to Batman, Spider-Man was AHI’s most popular characters and he recieved an incredible amount of merchandise. Which is weird considering that Peter Parker […]

Holy Licensing Royalties Batman!

With the recent addition of Star Trek and Planet of the Apes galleries to the Azrak Hamway section of the site, you had to know this would be coming. If there is one character that AHI did the most with, it would be the caped crusader, thanks to my pal Bill Frost I’ve got some […]

Official Planet of the Apes Merchandise

More additions to the Azrak Hamway toy galleriesthis time it’s all about the Planet of the Apes merchandise made by AHI. Thanks to Bill Frost for the great pictures! Sky Diving, rifle touting Galen sure didn’t make oodles of sense but it just didn’t matter when you were five. These super deformed Wind Up “Little […]

Cheap 23rd Century Goodness

I got a lot of great feedback on the recent Azrak Hamway toy galleriesIncluding a ton of submissions from friends, so much so that I’ll be spinning off some of the material into additional galleries. Today, I thought I’d focus on some of the AHI Star Trek stuff my pal Bill sent me. These Phaser […]

Azrak Hamway Toy Explosion

Not one but two new sections added to today, both devoted to that king of Rack Toys, Azrak Hamway International or as they’re often known AHI. First we have the 1976 AHI catalog, featuring an unbelievable amount of licensed toys from Star Trek Waterpistols to Parachuting Shazam, even Dr. Zaius on a chopper, AHI […]

Planet of the Apes: From Logical to Nonsense

Logical Toy: Planet of the Apes Remote Control Horse, apes all rode horses and this makes perfect sense. Nonsense Toy: Planet of the Apes Zoom Cycle, the Ape civilization never had anything motorized and this looks an awful lot like a repackaged Batman toy. Please don’t send me comments about the Animated show having cars, […]

Star Aliens Meet Superman

More Rack Toys today, I’m really digging these die cast Star Aliens figures by Larami. They seem to be rocking that whole Shogun Warriors/Micronauts vibe. My pal MegoSteve sent me a picture of his wicked cool AHI Parachuting Superman figure and a Knock Off (which probably also produced by AHI) Big Fun: Jon has created […]

New Rack Toys From Azrak Hamway

Some nice new additions to our Gallery of Rack Toys today, the concentration being on Azarak Hamway or AHI (which I find surprising how many folks call it “Ahheee”). Above is an amazing dual branded package for Star Trek/Space:1999 Jet Disks. You wouldn’t see stuff like this today. This is courtesy of Will Frost. Also […]

A Tribute to Rack Toys

A new and hopefully growing featuring to Plaidstallions will be the world of rack toys, which features the memorable lower priced toys from companies such as AHI, Fleetwood and Empire. If you’ve got something I don’t have please drop me a line, I’d love to add it. Click the pics to visit.uh, why does Superman […]

Retro Senses tingling!

I rarely discuss new toys but this one really caught my eye. It seems a company has released Spiderman and Wolverine Parachute figures that harken back to the days of AHI (more on them very soon), this sucker works pretty well on the front lawn, although I need to work on my throwing technique. Apparently […]