
Monster Jigglers!

October seems like the perfect month to show off the two newest additions to the AHI Super Monsters Gallery on the site. Above is of course, the Wolfman, which I almost didn’t get thanks to a spotty seller on ebay. And the Mummy (these guys are hard to photograph) which I’d like to point out […]

AHI Super Monster Bend ‘Ems

Some Terrific new additions to the AHI Monsters Gallery today, starting with this carded Frankenstein, I can’t tell you how smitten I am with this guy, he rules. The Bendy Mummy is by far the hardest one to find, even eclipsing the Creature from the Black Lagoon, which is usually the hardest to come by […]

1983 Remco Toys Catalog

By 1983, Remco had put down their utility belts and picked up some swords but never actually straying from their comic book licensing ties. Their long relationship with Marvel comics made them a natural to market the action figures based on their Crystar comic series , also announced were a series of figures based on […]

Remco McDonaldland Characters

This 1976 Toy Trade ad for Remco’s McDonaldland characters seems a little odd to me. While I was fond of the McDonald’s commercials and had many birthdays at my local franchise, I clearly remember not understanding why there were action figures. Well made action figures at that. However, some folks on the forums have told […]

Space:1999 Day!

Seeing as today is the ten year anniversary of the supposed date that the moon blew out of orbit in Gerry Anderson’s 1975 television series “Space:1999” I thought it would be fun to look at some of the cool merchandise that came out during it’s two year run. Above is the trading card I made […]

1981 Azrak Hamway Catalog

The beginning of the end for the Rack Toy giant, while the company would continue and prosper for the rest of the decade, it would also eventually fold it’s toy division completely under the Remco Name. The 1981 AHI catalog almost looks like a lower cost copy of the 1981 Remco offerings, all the licenses […]

The 1977 REMCO Toys Catalog

Remco’s name was purchased in 1974 by Azrak Hamway, a successful manufacturer of rack toys. AHI used the Remco brand to sell a more upscale toy but one that still utilized the many licenses integral to their core business. 1977 saw the introduction of Mickey Mouse to the fold and more Superhero (especially Batman) related […]

Rack Toys of the Apes

At this past weekend’s Motor City Comic Con, I made the aquaintence of toy dealer Bob Serna, who had the most Planet of the Apes toys I’ve ever seen available for sale in one place. I spent the majority of my cash with Bob and I’ll probably be going back for more shortly, here are […]

The Top Ten Coolest Star Trek Toys of the 1970s

With the J.J. Abram’s helmed film poised to be a block buster, I thought it only fitting to do a top ten list of some of the better 23rd century items we got in the 1970s. Many might seem crude by todays standards but most have never been topped in the fun department.The 1970s were […]

A double shot of AHI toys

This new addition to the AHI Batman Gallery was a gift from my friend Bill. I’ve stared at it for a long time before I realized it wasn’t on the site. The card is just killer, I love that Batman. To my surprise I won this Bendy Creature from the Black Lagoon with little to […]