
Eagle One Gun

Here we have the rather odd AHI Eagle one water pistol, it looks kind of  ill advised but you have to remember that AHI probably sold a boatload of these so they just applied the Star Trek  template to Space:1999 when it came to all merch. What I really enjoy about 1999 merchandising is the amount […]

Strange visitor from the planet frisbee

It’s amazing to think that the folks at LCA (who handled all of the DC comics characters at the time) approved weird artwork like this. The man of steel on this AHI “zing-wing” has an enormous noggin and apparently tiny baby doll like hands, kind of nightmarish if you stare long enough at it.

Sparkling Super Monsters

This past summer I encountered something I didn’t know existed and yet I could not live without, it’s a bit of rack toy joy. Much more after the jump: It’s an unused display box of AHI wind up little walkers and while it’s obvious these (a) aren’t manufactured by AHI and (b) are not licensed, the […]

Revenge of the Azrak Monsters

It’s not October if we don’t discuss the AHI Monster dolls and we’ve got a couple of additions to the galleries starting with this killer variant of Frankenstein (courtesy of my pal the Kidd). I’ve never seen eyes like this one. Count Dracula alone was marketed in the UK in a window box, the rest […]

Cool Collections: John’s Monsters

I LOVE it when folks share their collections with me, especially when it’s stuff near and dear to my heart like Monster toys. John was kind enough to give us a peak into his lair today and it’s a drool worthy assortment of old and new, more after the jump. If you dare! A lot […]

Rip Cord, Ripped Pants

While I can’t recall exactly or not, I’m sure at least once in his many seasons  on CBS the incredible Hulk went for a sky dive. I’m also 100% sure that the people of AHI didn’t know or care when producing this parachuting Hulk figure and good on them.

The Shadow Merchandise Gallery

As a collector, one of the bigger mysteries I’ve enjoyed is the interesting amount of merchandise that appeared in the 1970s devoted to the character “The Shadow” whose heyday seemed to be at least 30 years prior to my birth. Click here to visit the Shadow 1970s merchandise gallery More  Groovy Superhero Toys from the […]

We’ve got wounded!

Eventhough it’s pictured in the 1977 AHI Catalog, I somewhat doubted this M*A*S*H emergency helicopter got made. Not because it isn’t totally logical (makes a HELL of a lot more sense than this) but because toys based on M*A*S*H never seem to be all that in demand. So, I nearly did a spit take when these […]

That pointy eared kid sure plays a mean pinball

While I never really enjoyed “bagatelle” games as a kid, I must admit to being slightly addicted as an adult. Mostly to the crazy graphics on these things, AHI utilized this format for a number of licenses including Star Trek and Space:1999. Trek was deemed so popular that it came in two flavours, Spock (seen […]

The Shadow Knows?

I love a toy mystery but these rack toys based on pulp character The Shadow were driving me crazy, first, they looked almost exactly like Secondly, why The Shadow? It wasn’t like the character had a big presence in the mid seventies, even his DC title had been cancelled by this point. Fortunately, I met a kindly soul who […]