
The 1975 Azrak Hamway Toy Catalog

In 1975, Azrak Hamway International (AHI) was a toy company on the move producing mainly, low cost rack toys bearing such hot licenses at the time such as Batman, Spider-Man, the Universal Monsters and Star Trek. It’s no surprise that the 1975 catalog is a real treasure trove for any 70s kids, there is so […]

Toy War is Hell

I’m not 100% sure as to why I like the Remco Sgt Rock line so much, never had any as a kid, never really wanted them, not sure I’ve read a SGT Rock comic that didn’t feature Batman in it. My money is on the gorgeous Joe Kubert art that AHI/REMCO used throughout the line. […]

The 1980 Marx UK Black Hole Toy Catalog

The 1979 Disney sci fi spectacular “The Black Hole” didn’t quite become the next Star Wars but the film did make an impression on a lot of us until the Empire Strikes back made us forget all about it.  The merchandising bonanza lead by Mego was particularly memorable. In the UK, the brand was handled by Louis Marx […]

Diana from V

I picked up a vintage bit of merchandise relating to the “V” mini series that has to be seen to be believed. Peel back her skin after the jump:   I’ve always been fascinated with the TV mini series “V” and it’s merchandise. Particularly that we really came close to getting come amazing action figures.  […]

TOYFINITY Presents: The Return of the Greatest Villain from ALL of the 70’s Space Franchises – ROBO FORCE’S THE KNIGHT OF DARKNESS!

For immediate release – April 1st, GROVERS MILL NJ –  Somber. Powerful. A grim-masked menace that strikes terror into the bravest heart. A perfect bad guy for long hours of imagination and excitement. – Ideal Toys Catalog 1978 So read the official description of the awesomest bad guy from the greatest space franchise in the […]


Click for a larger view. Cryotron is a spacey action figure case offered by Sears Canada in their epic 1980 catalog. I’m not sure who made it and I never had one but I remember it mostly because I stared at the page it was on for a LONG time as a kid. It’s one […]

Sonic Woman

I am pleased to reveal the latest update to our Tomland galleries, the copyright infringing superheroine herself, the Sonic Woman! Tomland was more well known for their Star Raiders and Famous of Monsters of Legend action figures, which both demonstrate how little they thought of paying for licenses. I’ve known about these particular figures for […]

Nightmare Warriors

Nightmare warriors are toys that I remember but was slightly too old to buy at the time. The idea of Skeleton action figures was done in the 1970s and for some unknown reason the dollar stores aren’t full of these guys now. That’s a crying shame, Skeleton action figures are an ever green. Oh and […]

Kenner Alien Promotional Catalog

In 1979, Kenner toys gave out this promotional catalog to prospective industry buyers to promote what they hoped would be their next big science fiction property “Alien”.  While the film itself was a hit and still considered a classic, Kenner would soon realize that the world wasn’t ready for toys based on R rated sci […]

Fun with Mr Action

LJN’s Mr Action went by many names around the world (seriously, this line sold everywhere there were kids it seems) but it’s largely forgotten it seems. Most commonly mistake many of the parts for GI Joe these days, which is ironic because lines like this actually were seriously hurting Hasbro’s bottom line in the early […]