Water damaged catalogs always make me sad but lucky for me I salvaged this great pic of a Nerf store display. Come to me Nerf Man, obey…..
‘“Monster Squad” by Rand McNally As we close our month of Halloween goodness, I thought of no better choice than this newly discovered addition to my collection. As any reader to the blog would know, I kind of have a minor obsession with the 1976 Saturday morning series and finding merchandise from it. I was […]
Anybody who grew in the 70s probably remembers the Janex line of products especially their talking alarm clocks which were a pretty big deal at the time. I for one coveted that Batman and Robin one but I hated waking up as a kid (still do) so I never asked for one. The addition of […]
Another look into the wonderful world of Rack toys and one of it’s shining stars Azrak Hamway, who in the 1970s were the kings of fun, inexpensive licensed toys. 1977 was a pretty big year for Azrak Hamway Inc and they had all the hottest licenses including the superheroes from the house of both DC […]
I’m always amused/horrified at some of the leaps that manufacturers took to capitilize on “Sweathog mania” in the mid seventies. Much of this stuff was on clearance until the early 1990s until it became collectible and washed up at toyshows all of a sudden. Take into consideration this desk set created by Azrak Hamway (AHI) […]
The story of J.J. Armes is so fantastic that it sounds like it came out of a toy maker’s brain storming session. After losing his hands in a childhood accident, Jay Armes worked hard and trained himself to use his steel prosthesis in any fashion that a hand could function, he also trained his mind […]
I’ve decided to allocate some time to the recurring trend of email I get on the site, other than the constant one of “How much for the Stretch Armstrong?” (For the record, I don’t even own one myself) most people write me for the name of a toy and I’m noticing a recurring trend with […]
Everybody seems to forget about these little guys that predate “starting Line Ups” by a decade or so. These figures are close to Mego size and eventhough I’m not a big sports guy, I will cop to finding these pretty neat.If anyone has an extra Green Bay Packer, I have a good friend who would […]
Chris sent in the cool pic of his KIng Kong merchandise from the 1977 remake, all of this stuff was made by Mego and is really hard to find. I have to admit I love that Japanese Vinyl. Here’s a page about 1977 Mego King Kong Merchandise in case this whetted your appetite.
Oh how the unlicensed Gorilla stuff just came pouring out of everywhere in 1977. I’m pretty sure I didn’t own one piece of licensed Kong Merchandise (most of which was made by Mego) but had plenty of this generic stuff. Those beer can radios are another thing that children today will never know of…
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