Space:1999 The Alien

You see, the above black and white image comes from the AHI archives and it shows that the company handling the licensing of “Space:1999” shared information among their licensees and well, this happened:

AHI copied the kit, right down to it’s weird 2001 inspired pilot and made it a rack toy a year later. It didn’t matter that it had no relation to the series , let’s get it on some slat wall people!

Here is an Italian carded version of said Alien, I like that the imagery is a mix of season one and two. Toys like this exemplify why I love Rack Toys, there is no attention to detail or research done, it’s done purely on the level of “will a child like this?” and nothing more.
We’re in an era where there are literally hundreds of places that a new toy gets scrutinized and reviewed (sometimes joylessly), no doubt this piece would be lambasted were it new today. For me, it represents a simple joy and how I prefer to look at the hobby in general…
Space:1999 Rack Toy Gallery on PlaidStallions
Cool, still have the kit on my shelf!