Pod Stallions: Microcops VS Space Police : Busted TV Pilots round 2

Star Trek vs Star Wars. Tolkien vs Herbert. Coke vs Pepsi. And we add one more head-to-head battle into the Thunderdome: Microcops vs Space Police.
Yes, we did the work, so you don’t have to. Two busted TV pilots, both in the law enforcement genre, only one will suck a little less than the other.
Are you on the edge of your seat yet? You won’t be!
View the busted pilots here:
Space Police
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Pod Stallions: Microcops VS Space Police : Busted TV Pilots round 2
Topics Discussed: CBS Summer Playhouse, Busted TV Pilots, Inner Space, Micro Cops, Peter Scholari, Bosom Buddies, Brian George, Gerry Anderson, Shane Rimmer, Space Precinct, Space Police, Terrahawks, Pod Stallions: Microcops VS Space Police : Busted TV Pilots round 2
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Do you miss print toy magazines? I sure did; that’s why I created Toy Ventures. A full-colour print magazine that celebrates toys from the 1960s to the 1980s. It features collector guides, interviews and even some satire. We’re on issue 12 now but still have a limited supply of our back issues; please visit our Shop for more information.
Get the Official Tura Satana Action Figure
We co-produced this amazing action figure with White Elephant Toyz; it’s an 8″ Mego Style Officially Licensed Tura Satana figure with a beautiful box by Joeseph Linsner! Get yours while supplies last.
Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book
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