Hasbro Super Joe Rarities

I recently found this page of unusual pieces from the Hasbro Super Joe line, I love the repackaging of the earlier Adventure team set “Danger of the Depths”. It seems kind of crow barred into the Spacey world of SuperJoe.
As an added bonus, I’ve dug up a couple of cool Super Joe commercials, here is the first Super Joe ad:
And here is the ad for Super Joe villain, Darkon. I really remember this as a kid, I can’t believe I never noticed that Darkon is just Super Joe painted green. Way to recycle Hasbro!
that darkon commercial rules! i liked it so much when i was a kid that i named my cat darkon, and the jungle has stuck in my head all these years.
you can imagine his orange eyes looking *right through you*!
the song sounds like the 80's but the commercial screams 70's