Fisher Price Little People And Sesame Street : A Perfect Marriage

In my previous rant about how cool the Fisher Price Sesame Street Playset was someone on the PlaidStallions MySpace Page brought the clubhouse to my attention.
Although nothing ever remotely resembling it appeared on the show, the clubhouse was an awesome toy. It’s trap doors; secret doorways and weird moving sidewalk are part of some very happy memories for me. I was one of the millions of children who broke the tire swing. My kids play with the clubhouse almost daily as well, a really nice testament to this lines durability.

In looking for a decent pic, I found this great shot of the packaging for the Sesame Street little people. I must have seen this before as I had all of the figures but I honestly don’t remember this. I’ll say it again, as much as I am a Megohead, this stuff rocks my toy geek world.
i had this. and it ruled.
then one year i took it apart. if you look underneath there are phillips head screws all over the place. since i was just discovering tools, i took the entire thing apart.
when it went back together everything was loose.
oh well.
–jimmy james
OMG – I had this as a child and I played for hours and hours with. I wish I still had it for my kids now.
My kids, their cousins, & the neighbors kids loved this toy. Most of their other toys are long gone, but we saved this one and just brought it up out of the basement to clean up for our grand daughter. And, yes, the tire swing is broken. We also had the Sesame Street Character set; unfortunately, Cookie Monster and Big Bird have disappeared. You can actually buy this on eBay and it’s not cheap.
Fun memories – fun times ahead.
I was prowling through the attic to try to find a not-made-in-China toy that I could give to my beautiful granddaughter to play with (I, like so many other doting grands, refuse to risk the wee one’s safety/life with China’s toxic exports) and voila!! – I found my daughter’s old Sesame Street clubhouse. It is still in great condition and, with a little soapy water, it looks nearly new. And the best part is – you guessed it – it was not made in China. I’m glad I’ve been such a packrat.