Even more Monster Love at Plaid Stallions
In my quest to improve the site I actually updated two galleries so much that I thought it deserved it’s own Friday update, both relate to my personal obsession with cataloging 70s Monster Toys.

Firstly, I’ve finally expanded the Azrak Hamway Monsters section of the site and given everything galleries including other stuff like the Jigglers, windups, vintage ad gallery and Bend ‘Ems. I still have a lot of stuff to add so if anybody has something I don’t, I’d greatly welcome pictures.
Secondly (and to me more importantly) I’ve created new galleries for my personal favourite, The Lincoln International Monsters. There you’ll find new updated galleries, photos, information and a little insight as to the why I’m obsessed with the line so much. I also share some things I probably shouldn’t, like this portrait of a spare Dracula head I had lying around…

Be gentle….
Lots more goodies at the Lincoln Monsters Galleries.

As an added Bonus, I’ve created a set of collectible trading cards based on these characters and I’m giving away ten sets. To enter simply email me here with an answer to this question Who is your favourite Monster?
I’ll draw the ten winners next Saturday, until then, enjoy the 8 inch terrors that await you at these new galleries.
Cool stuff, definitely gonna be back when I have some time to surf and enjoy!
What's you day job again Brian?
Cause this is THRILLER! 😀