Leather Jacket Perfection

Leather Jacket Perfection

As much I enjoy the mockery, the one part I take pretty seriously are early to mid seventies leather jackets, to me, they are a zenith of cool. My closet is full of them much to the chagrin of my normally understanding wife. When she does eventually throw me out, my front lawn will look like a Serpico convention.

About The Author

AKA Brian Heiler author of "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" and co-editor of "Toy-Ventures Magazine". Co-Host of the "Pod Stallions" podcast. Host of the Brick Mantooth Youtube channel, painter, designer, writer, mental health advocate, toy collector, Mego, and Mego Knock-Off enthusiast. I have large feet, ADHD and I live in Canada. Talk toys, not others.


  • Dancin' on June 21, 2011

    Dennis Leary hasn't changed a bit

  • Fiona on June 21, 2011

    I'll second that… I had the girl version of the blond guy's coat for years till it fell to bits, and I've got a couple of Seventies leather trenchcoats in the wardrobe still. Mind you, the group in the picture look like Starbuck, Apollo and Sheba got miraculously transposed into a hard-bitten cop series.

  • GiGi on August 5, 2011

    Jackets are Starsky and Hutch approved

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