Surprize indeed

Surprize indeed

The Unibrow is a lesser known Dick Tracy villain introduced in 1976 in an attempt to update the strip, his counterfeit hot pants ring was squashed by Tracy in a hail of gunfire.
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About The Author

AKA Brian Heiler author of "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" and co-editor of "Toy-Ventures Magazine". Co-Host of the "Pod Stallions" podcast. Host of the Brick Mantooth Youtube channel, painter, designer, writer, mental health advocate, toy collector, Mego, and Mego Knock-Off enthusiast. I have large feet, ADHD and I live in Canada. Talk toys, not others.


  • veg-o-matic on September 11, 2013

    It's uncanny how his unibrow almost exactly matches his mustache.

  • plasticfetish on September 11, 2013

    If you blur your eyes, his face has a kind of Rorschach quality to it.

  • Anonymous on September 12, 2013

    Don't sneer too loudly at Unibrow guys. He's one of the uncredited actors in the film Caligula (1979). He appears during that huge toga party on board the "Love Boat" near the end. It's definitely the same guy.

    That means Unibrow has even more righteous street-cred than even Brick Mantooth. For all his catalog fame and underwear photo-shoots, Brick never got to do a feature film or a hot scene with genuine Penthouse centerfold models.

    Unibrow has a very good reason to stand there with his hands on his hips and a smug look on his face.

  • Plaidstallions on September 12, 2013

    Get outta town! Now I gotta watch Caligula again.

    Which really isn't a problem.

  • Anonymous on September 12, 2013

    That movie is a classic. As you probably know know, there are several different prints of the film with varying amounts of content.

    Unibrow appears in the uncensored 156 minute print, what's currently being marketed as the "Imperial Edition" DVD. Double-check the running time, just to be sure.

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