The Soft Touch

The Soft Touch

Kenny’s habit of gently whispering into Jim’s ear placed considerable strain on their friendship.

About The Author

AKA Brian Heiler author of "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" and co-editor of "Toy-Ventures Magazine". Co-Host of the "Pod Stallions" podcast. Host of the Brick Mantooth Youtube channel, painter, designer, writer, mental health advocate, toy collector, Mego, and Mego Knock-Off enthusiast. I have large feet, ADHD and I live in Canada. Talk toys, not others.


  • Trilkhai on April 5, 2017

    "Are you crazy, man?" Kenny asked, worried at the slightly manic look in Jim's eye. "You can't just go point out to a girl that she's wearing almost the same shirt and then ask to pet her big kitty!"

    "You just don't know the power of my Leopard of Love shirt," Jim scoffed. He resolutely kept his gaze from straying down below chin level and practiced his 'Sylvester Stallone' lip-curl. "Besides, what the heck do you know, you're not even wearing any underwear!"

    "Don't be stupid. Of course I'm wearing underwear; how else would I keep my favorite pair of socks in place to impress the ladies?"

  • Striped Squirrel on April 21, 2017

    Kenny, I don't mind the soft whispering, but do you really need to unbuckle your belt while doing it?

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