5 Awesome Things on eBay this week
5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Space Raiders, Happy Days, the Bionic Woman, Sherlock Hemlock, Big Jim as Tarzan and Barry Freaking Manilow!
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Tomland Space Raiders (eBay Sponsored Link)
Tomland was one of the bravest and cheekiest toy companies out there. The majority of the output was just copying the work of others but in an awesome way. These little guys had multiple iterations but I don’t see a lot under this banner. I’m not certain if the price is even achievable, but I’m mostly a window shopper.
Happy Days Playset (Sponsored Link) —
I guess last week’s Fonz find made eBay think I’d like this, and I guess they’re right. I love these cardboard worlds, especially when some attention to detail is put in. They even have that sassy waitress who was on Wonder Woman!
Barry Manilow T-Shirt (sponsored link) —
I gotta tell you, strolling into my Catholic grade school with this on would not go well in 1980. Nowadays, I can’t think of Barry Manilow without thinking of a co-worker and delightful friend from Wales who loves him dearly and calls him “Barrrrrreeee,” which is all I think about when I see his face. I think that’s called “zen.”
Mattel Tarzan figure set (Sponsored Link) —
I think this may be one of my favourite ’70s figure sets ever. I mean that sincerely. I grew up with Big Jim, and the Filmation Tarzan cartoon is still a passion of mine. To get my set, I had to negotiate with my long-time friend Mark until 3 a.m in a crappy Toronto airport hotel. Sometimes, the stories become intertwined with the toy, and that’s why we collect.
Here’s a video I did on the set.
Bionic Woman Bank (sponsored link) —
I don’t run into figural banks much here in Canada (other than Col. Sanders, which, OMG, did everyone in the country get one?), and that’s probably a good thing because I am powerless against them. I am worried it will be a repeat of the “Blow Mold Obsession” with these banks, and well, I don’t have any more room.
Totally pumped about Mego Meet next Week! I’ll be there handing out Lincoln Monsters Buttons and spritzing with you samples of my new cologne “Mantooth.” It’s a vitriolic stench but once you used to it, you’ll be fine.

Mego Meet 2024 is at ZoloCon
#mego #knockoff
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toyventures, toy-ventures magazine, plaidstallions, brick mantooth channel, 5 Awesome Things on eBay this week, 5 Awesome eBay, Barry Manilow, Iron on, vintage tee shirts, Happy Days, Tomland, Starroid Raiders, Star Raiders, Space Raiders, Playsets, Bionic Woman, Banks, Mattel Tarzan, Big Jim, Mego Meet, Zolocon
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