1980 Toys R Us Catalog (with video walkthrough)
If there is one thing I like collecting as much as toys, it’s catalogs, it’s why PlaidStallions exists in the first place and my personal favourite catalogue to find are these toy store newspaper circulars or flyers, I don’t care what you call them. They are time capsules, wonderful little moments into what toys were selling at points in our lives.
This newly acquired Toys R Us flyer fromn 1980 is possibly one of the best I’ve ever picked up, it just reminds me of being a ten-year-old kid and it’s loaded with incredible toys, oddly enough not a huge amount of Star Wars content, which is OK by me.
Those fourth prices of DC Comics Treasury editions from the mid 1970s amazes me, I love those books with all my heart.
Get Toy-Ventures Issue 2 now!

The Little Professor is still in my kitchen junk drawer

Oh ENTEX Space Invaders, how I loved thee.

Alligator was actually based on the movie of the same name, 1980 was a great year for “Games based on Rober Forester movies”

That Fiddlesticks Superhero set is something that comes up a lot in the PlaidStallions mailbox. Nobody remembers it.

Elastic Mickey Mouse by Mego is now famous thanks to some Meme I think I had a hand in. The Incredible Hulk work bench is “Krusty the Clown” levels of selling out Bruce….

Crazy Foam is so my jam.

Oh Presto Magix! Awesome!

The Cosmic Clipper is a model kit by Airfix, who released a whole range of cool spaceships that looked like they were from Space:1999.

Reggie Jackson’s Bat Away Pitching Machine really got out there.

My dad bought that father and son set, what a treat fighting someone three times your size! Remember when Kramer was in the kid’s karate class, it was like that…

Toys R US Catalog from 1980

Toys R US Catalog from 1980

I love this page to pieces and I do remember some shops over ordering Yoda until it was the only Star Wars figure they had.

Toys R US Catalog from 1980

Toys R US Catalog from 1980
PlaidStallions Toy-Ventures Magazine #2 is now available and it’s been called “not only an entertaining read, but it’s also an impeccable work of reference” by PopCult.
Pod Stallions is one of the most fun groups on Facebook.
Mego Knock Off Headquarters– The leading group discussing 70s dimestore goodness, we talk vintage toys, not others!
If only they still made the toys like they used to. Those sure were the days, weren’t they?