1977 Hasbro Weebles Catalog

Time for another trip to Weeble Town!
1977 saw Hasbro aim for action and adventure with the addition of Tarzan (?) and their own portly crusader Super Weeble!
It seems fitting to do Weebles around Christmas time as they’re really kind of the thing a lot of folks got under the tree. Not me though, my folks were died in the wool Fisher Price fans…
Weebles seemed like more of a fad, since FP was so ubiquitous. Everywhere you went, every kid's house, every day care play room, you ran into the Little People and their barn and their passenger plane and their what not, usually looking beat to hell as they'd been around forever. I'm sure someday archeologists will be digging in Iraq and pull up one those LP school houses with magnetic letters spelling out Cain and Abel.
I always received Fisher Price sets as well. Had the school, the boat, the plane and the school bus. But I always wanted the Weebles Haunted House, being into all things Halloween related. My neighbor had it and I envied it with the secret bookcase door, it's treasure chest in the attic and the glow-in-the-dark ghost. I finally found one on eBay as an adult.
I had the Weebles Super Hero set. I loved it.
Aw, geez. I totally had the Mickey Mouse clubhouse and the Tarzan hut. I remember digging the little winch that hoisted the little "elevator" up to the Jungle Hut. It was awesome. I had Winnie the Pooh Weebles too. Have no idea where any of those went.
I still have the purple ghost van!