1973 Collegeville Halloween Costumes Catalog

Followers of this site and blog will know that Collegeville is a favourite subject around here, that’s likely because I got a ton of these as a kid combined with the fact that they got some really cool licenses.
1973 was a cool year for Collegeville, in addition to their line of generic monsters and familiar looking superhero designs, we got stuff like The Phantom, H.R. Pufnstuf, Pebbles and Bam Bam, Ultraman, Hot Wheels, Big Jim and my personal favourite of the lot, the SHADO pilot from Gerry Anderson’s U.F.O.
Oh my goodness, I need to own this badly. Click on any image to check out all the fun of the 1973 Collegeville Costumes Catalog.
It's taking SO MUCH self control to stay away from the old Collegeville and Ben Cooper costumes on eBay right now. (Aaarg!)
Sweet, sometimes painful, memories for so many of us!
The generic "tiger" costume may be the greatest costume I've ever seen. Reminds me of Rocky's jacket in Rocky II.
I could look at these catalog pages for days.
Wow, put me down for the Shadow Pilot as well, and while we're at it Ultraman and "the Bat"
I remember my first costume like that. Road Runner.
Awwwww… -wipes tear-
My very first Halloween costume (that I can remember, anyway) was a Collegeville "Tiger."