Wind Up Bath Tub Fun

Wind Up Bath Tub Fun

Oh man, my parents sold these (translation: there were tons in our house growing up) and I absolutely loved them. They were called “Bathtubbies” and were created by Tomy. They were sold carded but I remember my folks having big counter display boxes of them.
My favourite character in this line was the kid friendly Creature from the Black Lagoon character, a nice sprinking of science fiction into an otherwise straight forward toy line.

About The Author

AKA Brian Heiler author of "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" and co-editor of "Toy-Ventures Magazine". Co-Host of the "Pod Stallions" podcast. Host of the Brick Mantooth Youtube channel, painter, designer, writer, mental health advocate, toy collector, Mego, and Mego Knock-Off enthusiast. I have large feet, ADHD and I live in Canada. Talk toys, not others.


  • Alphacentaurian on July 7, 2011

    That standing one in the middle looks like a Kappa.

  • Caffeinated Joe on July 7, 2011

    Man, talk about serendipity! I was JUST yesterday telling my son about the little wind up tub/pool toys we had as kids. We had an old metal washtub in the yard that my mother would fill with water for my brother and I to play in. Yeah… But these toys made it more fun, and also when it was tub time inside. Man, what a coincidence!

  • Caffeinated Joe on July 7, 2011

    Man, talk about serendipity! I was JUST yesterday telling my son about the little wind up tub/pool toys we had as kids. We had an old metal washtub in the yard that my mother would fill with water for my brother and I to play in. Yeah… But these toys made it more fun, and also when it was tub time inside. Man, what a coincidence!

  • BallStar on July 7, 2011

    I had a frogman – not pictured here, but in the Tomy collection.
    In sit com style one hot summer day, my Dad called to say he was bringing guests home for dinner – IN ONE HOUR!
    My Mom, Frogman, and I hightailed it to the stripmall to hit the Liquor store. On the way there, my frogman wound itself tightly into the back of my Mom's long brown hair. He was in there good.
    She had to go into the Liquor store with this toy hanging from the back of her head.
    We got him out before the guests arrived, but frogman was never viewed the same in her eyes ever again.

  • Jasper740 on July 7, 2011

    These bring me back in a big bad way. I loved these and they made my bath toy rotation very regularly. Awesome!

  • Buncheman (pop culture ronin) on January 27, 2012

    Unless I'm very much mistaken, that upright "Creature from the Black Lagoon"-looking guy is a cute version of a Kappa, which is a famous river monster from Japanese myth and legend. Now that I've seen this, I have to track one down! (I'm a freak for world mythology and when I saw that little guy, my mouth dropped open.) Look up "Kappa" under Google Images and check out what you find.

  • Jesse on May 27, 2014

    I can't find pictures of that kappa one anywhere besides here.. I need to find one!

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