Things That Never Happen
I hate to burst any bubbles here but men do not stand undercomfortably close to one another for long periods of time thrusting while in their underpants. Catalogs would have you believe this is an everyday occasion, they are lying to you.
Also mustard underpants = fail.
Halloween Countdown piece of the Day:
Mix and Mold Monsters $1.88 each, I am probably still not patient enough to do these any sort of justice…
I hate to burst YOUR bubble, but I grew up in San Francisco in the '70s, and I'd be willing to bet that there was a fair bit of "standing undercomfortably close to one another for long periods of time while thrusting in their underpants" going on.
The guy on the left looks like one of my old math teachers.
Mustard underwear = protection from dribblers. Someone had to say it.
Although, if you were to purchase underwear that looked like that, and you happened up not one, but TWO other dudes with the same tastes, maybe you would be the type to stand around chatting and um, thrusting.
very american apparel.
Very disturbing
"c'mon Ted…you go first"
My eyes hurt, and my sensibilities are damaged…..but I think I've discovered my new Halloween costume!
Question: DO guys really tuck their shirts into their undies like the picture is demonstrating?!
Wow, a deleted scene from Love! Valor! Compassion!
"The early uniform redos for Star Trek: The Motion Picture weren't met with enthusiasm."
All that standing and thrusting is obviously due to the fact that they are wearing eachothers underwear. You know both the blue and green patterned numbers went together. What I can't figure out is where is the forth guy who has the mustard t-shirt and the pink briefs…or perhaps I really don't want to know!
Aqui nosotros hacemos eso todo el tiempo, de hecho, ahora mismo estoy en el living de mi casa con amigos y estamos todos en calzones!
Perfectamente natural por estos lares.
"Hey guys! Let's all get in our trendy, trendy underwear, and tell cool stories!"
Hee, hee!