
Frankenstein Meets The Mummy!

At my house anyway, every year my neighbour puts on a display with Jason, Freddy and Leatherface, while cool it isn`t my idea of Halloween. So I decided to spend some time in the garage and make these two, both of them are about seven feet tall. I modeled the mummy after the Lincoln International […]

Remco Monsters Trading Card

It’s been a while since I unveiled a trading card and this is going out of order but what the hell, it’s Halloween. Card #29 is the Remco Monsters. Anyone who has read this blog knows I’m terribly fond of the line and I loved this great glow in the dark shot, so it was […]

Funstuf Frankenstein

Funstuff produced several “Aniform” figures of characters like the Incredible Hulk and the Universal Monsters. This rare promotional sheet shows the original packaging which was later altered. Funstuf also released a Dracula but I don’t have that piece Click on the images to see a larger view of the sell sheet.

AHI Super Monsters on Sale!

I’ve uncovered a few sales ads for the AHI “World Famous Super Monsters” one of the more prolific and collectable Universal licensed items produced in the 1970s. The one is from K Mart in 1976, where apparently the line is getting closed out, it’s also a Valentines day sale, weird… Here’s another clearance ad, not […]

Wind Up Super Monsters

This is an ad from Canadian Tire of all places and I totally remember it, these guys were in my stocking one Christmas. Originally they were made by Azrak Hamway (AHI) . The three figures included a suspiciously familiar “Rex Dinosaur”, the Creature from the Black Lagoon and King Kong, each shot sparks from it’s […]

Frankenstein Makes A Friend

Lou sent in this cool shot of his sister, which he says is it is from a haunted house across from where “Bugs Bunny Meets the Superheroes” was playing. Dig her cool Wonder Woman shirt. We don’t get enough Monster encounters here, this is only our second one. Come on People! Send us your Mall […]

Monster Squad Merchandise Gallery

No, not the 1987 movie but the original 1976 Saturday Morning Series that really helped my love for Monsters in general. The show has precious little web presence and I’m honestly surprised how much merchandise I discovered, so I’ve created a little gallery to showcase it all. It’s all here and there may be a […]

Monster Jigglers!

October seems like the perfect month to show off the two newest additions to the AHI Super Monsters Gallery on the site. Above is of course, the Wolfman, which I almost didn’t get thanks to a spotty seller on ebay. And the Mummy (these guys are hard to photograph) which I’d like to point out […]

Cool Collections: Thomas Meuleman

October is the perfect time to highlight the cool custom Mego Monster figures from my pal Thomas in Belgium. He’s both made and collected 8″ versions of the classic Universal and Hammer monsters for his collection. I love his Christopher Lee Dracula figure.You can check out more, including his cool 1966 Batman customs here.Got a […]

AHI Super Monster Bend ‘Ems

Some Terrific new additions to the AHI Monsters Gallery today, starting with this carded Frankenstein, I can’t tell you how smitten I am with this guy, he rules. The Bendy Mummy is by far the hardest one to find, even eclipsing the Creature from the Black Lagoon, which is usually the hardest to come by […]