
Suicide is Painless…

I was surprised when doing my Metal Men feature last week to discover that Zee Toys also made a line of M*A*S*H items. M*A*S*H was one of my favorite shows growing up but I never had much desire to play it, probably because it was much of a drama/comedy than it was really about war. […]

Saturday Morning 1977

Recently I came across a TV Guide I’d saved since I was a kid, I don’t know why I saved it. It has a Quincy on the cover and while I enjoyed that show (and now love comedian Jim Norton’s “Jimcy” rants on the radio)it doesn’t explained why I kept it. I am glad I […]

Do you want to be Gage or Desoto?

With all the nonsensical toys running about like Hulk Utility belts, it’s nice to see logical roll play items like this Emergency set. Although I doubt the guys from Rampart wore pictures of themselves on their helmets. That’s a weird thing that would always bother me as a kid…..