
Space Shield

It pays to advertise, for those that listen to the pod cast, you may recall me whining about my precious Space Sword and Shield. Happy relics from my childhood that were whisked off the “Goodwillland” along with my Stretch Armstrong, Bulletman and most of Big Jim’s P.A.C.K one tragic evening. Well, it appears that I […]

Toy Sharks

My buddy Julian sent this in, total love at first sight for me (the toy, not Julian although I’m sure he’s swell too). Jaws was of course, a massive pop culture phenomenon the likes of which we rarely see. The greatest thing to toy makers is, you can’t copyright a shark! So even though there […]

Euro Tarzan

I haven’t had many additions to our Tarzan Toy Gallery in a long while but this figure is a pretty big deal to me. It’s made in Spain and I missed a carded one last year (and I didn’t manage to save the auction photos) but the card art seemed to suggest that it’s based on […]

Japanese Punch

In North America, we get clowns and Fred Flinstone. In Japan, they get kick ass TV Superheroes like Ultra-Man and Mirror Man. Advantage Japan….

Hang gliding with the Hulk

As ridiculous as the concept of these toys are, I have to admit that I think the little Hulk and Spidey figures they come with are awesome. You should buy these. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three […]

1980 Fisher Price Adventure People Catalog

The Adventure people was North America’s first fully realized 3 3/4″ action figure line and it’s influence truly changed play for us 70s kids. Their clever combination of compelling adventure and well made sets made them a hit with kids since their inception in 1975. By 1980, the line was starting to look to the […]

Pod Stallions 5: Where are you coming from Spider-Man?

In this installment, Jason and Brain wax nostalgic over the days when we didn’t get spoiled by three Superhero movies a Summer. The time when Captain America had a van, Spider-Man was a Von Trap child and Sinestro used to open for Sinatra. “Where are you coming from Spider-Man” explores what a Superhero loving child […]


From the “i’ve seen it all now” department.  While Carnival toys gets a l’il gold star for giving Spidey a bugle (think about it), the idea of the Incredible Hulk standing in the desert giving his rendition of “songbird” makes his utility belt and motorcycle seem legit in comparison.

1984 Ideal Toys Robo Force Catalog

  Robo Force was a nicely designed series of Robot Action Figures that seemed to be largely influenced by Star Wars. The line, despite an animated special was not a commercial success, this may have been due to Hasbro’s Transformers launching the same year, really making Maxx Steele and his “Daleky” crew looking a bit […]