
Matchbox Fighting Furies Commercial

This commercial reel has sat on my desk for over two years, it’s been driving me mad to honest. It did not disappoint, even though I honestly don’t recollect the Fighting Furies, seeing 70s sensation Mason Reese pimp this toy line is truly a highlight of my year, behold the original commercial for “The Kung Fu […]

Aaay, Fonzie!

This little picture is another thing that I love about toy catalogs. You see, in 1976 Mego rushed the Fonz doll to the market place but his friends and his trademark motorcycle would have to wait until 1977. JC Penney offered the Fonz with this fill in motorcyle, it probably wasn’t even made by Mego […]

Paint your own Hobbit

As much as I had little to do with the Lord of the Rings movie at the time, I must admit to being fascinated with what little merchandise there was now. More Tolkien

Space Master 2002: A Rack Toy Quest

Above is the Space Master 2002, my dad sold these around 1977-1978. I remembered everything about these fun toys, how they looked, that card art with the skimpy dressed lady, everything. Except the name. For years, I’ve tried everything but searching for “Spaceship” on ebay is well, a long day. I had kind of resolved […]

Remco Monsters At Home Revisited

It’s been a while since I updated the Remco Monsters at Home Gallery, thanks mostly to some bargains being found. Above is the carded Creature set, something I had basically given up on owning. The Creature, is always the painful one to get in any set, mostly due to his popularity.  Here is the Mummy, […]

Mattel Creepy Feature Promotion

I recently came across this promotional folder from Mattel full of different concepts for stores to boost sales of (duh) Mattel Toys. The one that most interested me was the Halloween specific teaming of Suckerman, Gre-Gory and Krusher into an end cap called the “Creepy Feature”. While I’m 100% sure this never made it to […]

More Mini Monsters

Since I originally posted about these little guys three years back, I haven’t added anything to the collection. In fact, I’m kind of the belief I may not be able to complete the set for the price I’m willing to pay. Fortunately, I have a pal in Bill, who has some of the characters I […]

The Outer Space Man Conspiracy

Despite the fact that the toy line ended before I ever gulped oxygen, the Colorforms Outer Space Men are strong childhood memory for me. Not because I ever played with them but quite the contrary, I’m not even sure if I’ve ever held one. You see around the time of Star Wars (perhaps you’ve heard […]

1978 Popy Toys Catalog

Oh Japan, how i love thee.  The Popy Toy Corporation is not terribly well known to North Americans but their influence definitely had an impact on us. In 1978, they had a tremendouse amount of cool licenses such as Gatchaman (Known to us as Battle of the Planets), Starzinger (which we called Spaceketeers) and your […]

The Bacchus 3

As much as I’ve tried to convince folks in the toy industry that action figures based on Mystery Science Theater 3000 would be a good thing, I’m pretty sure it ain’t happening. That’s why I was pretty elated to discover this toy ship in an old catalog recently, it’s the Bacchus 3 from a Japanese tv […]