
Star Trek Big Wheels

I’ve been looking for this catalog for ages, in 1978 Worcester toy corporation, mostly known for tea sets offered a series of Star Trek inspired Big Wheels (sadly there appears to be no Star Trek tea set). While I can find no evidence of the Trek cycle being made, Worcestor did produce them as generic […]

Sears Space Command Center and Sound Studio

This oddity from 1979 was a generous gift from my pal John, it’s one of those things that Sears stuck in their catalogs to sell along side other licensed toys. This one tries for all the marbles, trying to get some Star Wars heat and the 12″ celebrity doll craze. More pics after the jump!: Like […]

Forbidden Zone

While taping our upcoming Podcast about Apocalypse movies, I couldn’t help but bring up one of the weirder but fonder memories of my childhood. Behold the Forbidden Zone Trap, my favourite Mego play set of all time. I wanted this so bad as a kid it hurt, which is weird because it’s basically a city […]

The Amazing Walking-Man

I couldn’t afford to buy everything I saw at this past weekend’s Mego Meet festivities but I could photograph them. Above is a real beauty from Durham Industries, a company I need to talk about more. Even though a Spider-Man that gently strolls in a Barnaby Jones like manner is something no kid needs, who […]

Those Other World’s Greatest Superheroes

   There was a time in my younger days where I was absolutely obsessed with these guys. Made by Japanese toy maker Popy, these 8″ figures were meant to fit in with Mego Superheroes (which Popy also supplied in Japan). That 8″ Mark from “Battle of the Planets” is the toy we deserved as kids. […]

Vintage Toys I saw this weekend

This past Sunday I set up at Burlington Toy Show, mostly to hang out with friends and eat food that’s not good for me but also to hopefully earn some money for next week’s Mego Meet toy show. It was hard being good but I took photos instead of buying, above is easily the rarest toy […]

Jaws Game: Start to Finish

I found these images in a shareholders report and it gives a very rare look into the toy manufacturing world in 1977. Above is the Ideal assembly plant in Newark New Jersey, sure the plastic parts were made in Hong Kong but back then everything was assembled states side and the box was also printed […]

Shogun Warriors Utility Belt

Ever since I first stumbled on this newspaper ad, I’ve been intrigued by this clever little set. I’d always wanted to track one down but sadly my “track that down” list is vast and I may have focus issues so it never happened. Fortunately for me, my good pal and podcast partner Jason has more […]

Ideal’s Electroman promotion

I recently came across this Ideal piece demonstrating how much TV advertising they were putting into their Electroman toy. This came as a surprise to me, as Electroman was one of those “What the heck is this?” discoveries at a flea market for me. I certainly remember Evel Knievel and JJ Armes commercials but I […]

Bionic Displays

  I’m really digging these store display shots I found in a Kenner promo piece for the Bionic Man. I honestly remember the outfit display as a kid, which had no effect. I had a million Big Jim and GI joe outfits as a kid but had no desire to change Steve Austin’s clothes. Fashions […]