
Oscar Goldman visits Kenner (gets briefcase)

OK, so apparently actor Richard Anderson visited Kenner headquarters in 1977 and they presented him with a life sized version of Oscar Goldman’s exploding briefcase! So that means, that (hopefully) in Richard Anderson’s house, he has a 1/1 scale version of one of the greatest action figure accessories ever made. I simply have to know where this is, I […]

Pod Stallions 34: Disappointing Merchandise

This month’s topic is some of the  disappointing toy lines that have stemmed from our more beloved properties over the years. It’s totally done out of love (as we both freely admit we bought and still own a lot of this stuff) but we talk about toys for Men in Black, the Phantom, Star Trek […]

JJ Armes meet Kojak

Both these guys were based on real people, Kojak was an amalgam of several people who worked on a real life case but Armes was a real life detective with prosthetic hands. I’m not sure about the van being real however, just in my dreams sadly… More JJ Armes: “

Gi Joe: Action Pals for Adventure

My first action figure love was the GI Joe Adventure team, truly the gateway experience for a pretty happy childhood. No matter how many times I see the art on those wonderful painted boxes, I feel five years old. I seriously hope that never fades. Here are some fun links to explore on the site: […]

1975 Lone Ranger UK Catalog

The brilliant Gabriel Toys Lone Ranger action figure line was a big hit in North America but it was also a smash in the UK, where is was sold by Marx Toys. Today, we’ve got the 1975 catalog for the British Lone Ranger series which includes some sweet photos of store displays like this: Visit […]

Carded Space Sword

Not long after I finally reunited with my childhood fave, a kind soul passed along an ebay auction for this carded version of Space Sword. Something I probably haven’t seen or thought about since I was about seven years old. While I seem to also recall these being sold in bulk “dump bins” as a […]

Sears Cantina Adventure Playset

The Sears Cantina playset with it’s well known snaggle tooth variant was something I was blissfully unaware of as a child As an adult, I work hard to fight the “Star Wars Urge” stuff like this makes it difficult.