
Toy-Ventures: The Mego 1983 Project with Dr. Mego

Toy-Ventures returns with special guest, Paul “Dr. Mego” Clarke as we discuss a new series based on the recent discovery of Mego’s plans for 1983.   The Mego 1983 project will be a multimedia event with print articles, videos and, of course, a special wing to the Mego Museum. This is not a “What If” this is […]

Toy-Ventures: Major Mego Score at Toy & Nostalgia Show!

Toy-Ventures: Major Mego Score at Toy & Nostalgia Show! Toy-Ventures visits the Toronto Toy and Nostalgia Show and scores big time with Canadian Mego Black Hole and Buck Rogers action figures! If that wasn’t enough, we also hit an antique mall! #toyventures #mego #buckrogers Lincoln Monsters Return from the Crypt in our latest Collaboration […]

Toy-Ventures: The 5 Best & 5 Weirdest Toyline Comic Books

Toy-Ventures take a trip to the spinner rack to highlight the memorable and truly forgettable comic books based on toy lines. We won’t tell you number one but rest assured; it ain’t Man Tech. #mego #micronauts #gijoe   Check out the PlaidStallions store for Toy-Ventures magazine, Tura Satan and much more: Join the fun […]

Toy-Ventures: The Shadow Toys (Bonus Toy Show)

The Shadow Toys- Toy-Ventures Toy-Ventures celebrates its 150th-ish episode talking about 70s merchandise based on the Shadow, a radio legend. We explore the origins of the Shadow character, and talk about the odd merchandising blitz of the late 70s. Later on, then visit a local toy show! I show the stuff that will haunt me […]

Toy-Ventures: Epic Toy Hunt

Toy-Ventures: Epic Toy Hunt 1 day, 3 antique malls, 300 miles and ten thousand steps. Come join us on our biggest toy hunt yet, the Epic Toy Hunt. We see more vintage toy eye candy that should be legal, pick up some charming stuff and play a little “antique mall bingo.” All on the extra […]

Toy-Ventures: Top Ten 1980s Peg Warmers

This is our follow up to our 70s peg warmers list. The 1980s were an incredible time for action figures, an era we'll never see again but like anything, some items didn't really sell. Let's count down some toys that hung around. This list is meant in jest and not to be taken seriously. Tell [...]

The Dynamic Duo nab the Penguin

i’m almost positive this slide comes from a former Kenner file, especially seeing as these are the suits used in the mid 80s to promote the Super Powers brand. I’m loving that Batman suit….. Update: Someone was kind enough to tell me they have a similar slide with the Care Bears, this is the Cincinnati zoo and most definitely Kenner […]