
Space-Age Spaceware

I’m loving this article from a 1979 issue of Starlog highlighting some of the cooler space age toys coming out that year. The only bummer to this is that two foot Galactica never made it to market but seriously should have…. Like our Facebook Page Check out our Instagram Get the expanded digital edition of […]

Mexican Star Wars

I love this (Knock off, judging by the misspelling of the film’s title) piece from Mexico, so much so that I put it in my book Rack Toys. Funny thing is, I have no idea what it’s for, I assume it’s for an action figure but I have no clue. L’il help SW fans? Like […]

The Force Beam

I remember watching an informercial in the 80s that interviewed the creator of the “Force Beam”. He claimed he invented it while walking around a department store and it was just a golf tube stuck on a flashlight. I’m sure George Lucas had steam coming out his ears when he saw kids playing with these. […]

Christmas Wishlist 1981

This past summer, my family sold the home that belonged to my grandparents, a place I spent some very happy Christmases in. I even wrote a blog post about it back in the fall. While it was obviously a sad time, it also had it’s bright spots. One of them was discovering the woman kept […]

Pod Stallions 58: The Star Wars Holiday Special

We’re back with a look at a much maligned (and let’s face it, it’s not great) chunk of our childhood, the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special. Look, we’re not going to take such low hanging fruit, the truth is, it’s not any worse than most of what was called “entertainment” in 1978. In fact, it’s […]

Vintage Halloween Pics Round up

At the beginning of October I put out the call for your vintage Halloween costume photos and brother, did you respond with your wood paneled goodness like this photo from Jason above. To be honest, putting them all together became a daunting task, however, that’s a good problem to have. An incredible vintage costume explosion […]

A Halloween Force

Star Wars pretty much dominated my Halloween experiences from ’78 to ’82, I can’t be alone on this. Vader, Storm Trooper, Boba Fett and Yoda were my choices as a kid.

Star Wars….exclusively at Sears

While I personally don’t remember the Rebel Command Center (which surprises me) I do recall the weird loyalty you had to have to Sears in order to “collect” Star Wars figures as a kid. Sears wasn’t close to our house, so I’d have to tag along with my mum to get groceries or other mundane […]

Toy Hit Parade July 1978

Ever been kept up late at night wondering what were the hottest selling TV Advertised toys of July 39 years ago? Well sleep well my friends! What a surprise, Star Wars. I had much bigger plans for Friday but I’m currently battling a nasty virus, enjoy!