
Activated Marvel Super Heroes by PPC

images graciously provided by Hakes Auctions Right after Mego and just before Secret Wars, Activated Superheroes are a forgotten series of Marvel Superhero figures produced by Processed Plastic Corp (sexy name eh?) or PPC for short. PPC trade ad which includes the Activated Superheroes These are well sculpted “army men” type characters (that remind me […]

Spider-Man Ricochet Racers

Ricochet racers were a cool concept on their own, it’s a neat looking laser gun looking rifle that shot cars! Sprinkle in Spider-Man and Captain America and few kids could resist them.

Toy Hunting in Japan

A couple pals of mine went to Japan this week and while I was unable to join them, they did the next best thing and took photos of everything they could while toy hunting. Here are just a few samples… Japanese live action Spider-Man had a car and a killer robot, which seems to be […]

Larami Toys 1981 Catalog

In 1981, Larami was celebrating it’s 20th year of bringing low cost licensed “Rack Toys” to children around the world. This year was no exception with licenses like the DC and Marvel comics Superheroes, Barbie, Fat Albert, Flash Gordon, Dick Tracy, Mighty Mouse and the ever present Popeye, Larami had something for any kid to […]

Bat Squirt!

I found this little guy at a flea market recently, I’d never actually seen one in real life and was surprised at how small it is. These were made by Durham, who also produced a Superman. I can’t figure out why Marvel is credited, as they didn’t make a Spider-Man. More on Durham soon. Get […]

Super Hero Skates

Larami did these SuperHero skates for years and as weird as they are, they must have sold. Like every toyline from the mid seventies, the Hulk was very quickly added to the mix once his TV show aired. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid […]

Colouring BooK Theatre: Spiderman’s Christmas

Spider-Man’s Christmas: Giant Story Colouring Book by Marvel Books I found this book at a flea market the other and seeing how it’s Christmas, I spent the money and nabbed this gigantic book from 1984. It’s done in ’84 by the Marvel Bullpen so it’s nicely done rip of the Parkes Run books from the […]

The amazing Spider Santa

Another terrific vintage entry from my pal Tim Baron (check out his awesome art and creations here) here he is meeting Spider-Man in a pose (and chair) usually reserved for another man in red. That is truly one of the better Spider-Man costumes featured here, thanks Tim! Send me your vintage mall appearance photos! Send […]

We’re going to need a bigger crayon

I fondly remember getting the Spider-Man Vs Man Wolf book on Christmas eve 1978, it helped me pass the time until we got to the bigger presents. I’d like to reunite with it but I do worry that it will start a new obsession. That Star Trek one is calling to me…..