
1975 Pied Pier Toy Catalog

I’ve never heard of Pied Piper Stores, not surprising, as I didn’t grow up in California in the 1970s. No doubt they were one of the many “Mom and Pop” toy store chains that at one magical time dotted our landscape. One thing i do know is that Pied Piper stores had a pretty grasp […]

Bionic Dress up

  This play suit hails from the UK and is most likely the product of Berwick, it’s almost like a larger version of the Kenner Steve Austin doll’s outfit. I’d have loved it to pieces as a kid, imagine combining it with the Funstuf Electrogenic arm?

Nerd Therapy Sessions: Peeping Toms

This one takes place in the summer of 1977, which I only remember as being a happy one. My universe at the time was a fairly quiet street in the suburbs of Toronto. It was a pretty unassuming day until my best friend Neil broke some pretty big news to me, tonight on Six Million […]

Bionic Bubble Bath

From the “Stuff I hadn’t seen before but now can’t live without” department comes this Six Million Dollar man bubble bath container from the UK. I guess in the 60s they called these “soakies”, I just call this thing awesome. Many thanks to Ebay Seller RetroToyBoy for the photo submission. More after the (Slow Motion) […]

Steve Austin Goes Toy Shopping

Seeing as it’s Christmas time I thought it would be fun to bring up this vintage bit of strangeness. These captures from the fourth season of the Six Million Dollar Man, the episode is “The Bionic Christmas Carol”.  You see in 1974 Gerald Ford passed into law the “Dickens Act” which meant every TV show, […]

1975 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog

In 1975 Kenner Toys grabbed the license to a popular ABC TV series and found themselves with one of the hottest toys of Christmas 1975! Seriously, my mom recalls almost being trampled at the local Kresges when moms lined up to get their limited supply of these. The line’s beginnings were humble however Kenner put […]

International Bionic People

From the UK I bring you James Austin and Stevie Sommers, the “Don’t Sue Us” Bionic couple. These unlicensed wonders were created by Tomland, a company that seemed to get it’s kicks from knocking off Star Wars and other films. Their Star Raiders and Famous Monsters line are a both a child’s and a lawyer’s dream. […]

Bionic Advertising

Recently found these smoking trade ads for Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman toys and had to share. I’ve shrunk them down for the blog but you can click on them to see a larger view. A close up of the drool worthy display of Bionic Man outfits. More Bionic Goodness