
Sweet Sesame Street Slippers

Try saying that five times fast, I think I would buy these today in adult sizes but nobody ever makes a decent slipper in a 15 wide. I never tire of Sesame Street merchandise, which is good because I have material to blog for ten years about it.

Dracula VS Cookie Monster

Castle Dracula will be a mess of cookie crumbs and blood tonight. Tough choice for 70’s parents, huggable old cookie monster or a plush lord of the undead? Nowadays Drac would be a big seller at Hot Topic.

Rug Hooking Rocked!

Thanks to Mr Hurst’s 3rd grade art class, I got into making latch rugs as a kid. For about ten minutes, somewhere in a landfill is a half done Superman logo (inspired by the movie) that I just bored with once nice weather arrived. I did finish a snoopy skating on a field of green […]

Bedspread Fantasy and Reality

Here we have a small snippet of my childhood, if asked which bedspread I wanted there is no doubt in my mind that the six year old me would have chosen Star Trek. I was forced to watch it every Saturday morning when my sister had a fleeting crush on William Shatner (she now shivers […]

1974 True Value Toy Catalog

Continuing our True Value series is this cool toy catalog from 1974, it’s amazing how much things can change in a year or so. 1974 seemed to be a true mix of old guard toys mingling with the new, Big JIm rubs elbows with Johnny West. Barbie turns 16 and Ken goes Mod. Standards such […]

Bert and Ernie Keep Me Warm!

Could this possibly be the grooviest piece of Sesame St merchandise ever? If I owned these, they’d be the only things I’d wear and I mean only.Revamped the Plaidstallions website yesterday, drop by and let me know your thoughts.

Sesame Street Records and Finger Puppets

Kind of a mash up today, I had two great topics and just decided to put them together, first is the remanents of my Sesame Street Record collection, I swear my mom bought every single one of these, here are some of my favourite covers. This Monster cover has to be my favourite, just the […]

Fisher Price Little People And Sesame Street : A Perfect Marriage

In my previous rant about how cool the Fisher Price Sesame Street Playset was someone on the PlaidStallions MySpace Page brought the clubhouse to my attention. Although nothing ever remotely resembling it appeared on the show, the clubhouse was an awesome toy. It’s trap doors; secret doorways and weird moving sidewalk are part of some […]

Bert and Ernie Deathcar!

I remember this toy in Dominion Play World as a kid, as big as a Bert and Ernie fan that i was (My talking Ernie is in my office as we speak) I could not fathom why they would need a car. I honestly thought they weren’t old enough to drive and why is their […]