
TV Superstars

Looking at this vintage licensing ad stirs some emotion in me. I mean seriously, why were we not treated to “Bigfoot and Wildboy” action figures? We live in a world where got toys of “The Waltons” but the “Space Sentinels” seemed too risky? Agggghhhh, I’d almost be filled with rage were it not for that […]

Space Academy by Aviva

I always kind of found it odd that out of all the cool shows that Filmation produced in the 1970s, my least favourite ones got all the merchandising. Sure, I watched Isis on TV but there was no way in heck I could buy a girl doll. Also, despite being a lover of SF at an […]

Saturday Morning Adventures

One of the things that made going back to the school in the fall more tolerable growing up was the promise of a new fall schedule of cartoons on Saturday mornings on the Big 3 networks. Around August of every year while your parents were checking the back to school flyers, comic books began to […]

Sleestak Attack

One of the cryingest shames of the 1970s were that a lot of cool TV shows never got much merchandise, take Land of the Lost for example. This was easily one of the most memorable kids shows of the decade and all we got were a few rack toys from Larami, some viewmasters, a Halloween […]

DVD Review: Monster Squad the Complete Series

Believe it or not, DVD reviews were originally a part of this site, I just stopped doing them mostly because of laziness (here is one I did almost three years ago) but I just needed to bring it back for the release of the Monster Squad TV series. Monster Squad was one of those shows […]

Saturday Morning 1977

Recently I came across a TV Guide I’d saved since I was a kid, I don’t know why I saved it. It has a Quincy on the cover and while I enjoyed that show (and now love comedian Jim Norton’s “Jimcy” rants on the radio)it doesn’t explained why I kept it. I am glad I […]

Jason of Star Command DVD Review

I’ve been meaning to do more 70’s DVD reviews for the site but never find the time, so today I did a quick review of the classic kids series Jason of Star Command. If you want it in a nutshell, I loved it, otherwise click here.

The Days Before Beta Max

These bring me back, I can remember watching “Charlie Chan and the Chan Clan” on my neighbour’s wall back in 1977. They had played with it so much that all three siblings were saying the dialogue in unison, kind of strange.Two thoughts entered my mind, one was “Who is Charlie Chan?” and the other was […]