
5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- AHI Joker, the Visitors, Superman, X-Ploratrons and Frankenstein VS the Gargantuas! Warning links are sponsored and may also contain shrimp. Uh-oh. Rob Roy Superman Shirt (affiliate link) — This is a pretty incredible design for the middle 1970s, I would have loved this as a kid.     […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

Baskin Robbins Pink Bubblegum sign (eBay Link) – Talk about stumbling onto something. I found this looking for toy stuff, and it immediately transported me to my local Baskin and Robbins, which was luckily in the “bike ride” vicinity. I occasionally got this flavour (I was pretty committed to chocolate chip though), but it represents […]