
MIA: The Short Sleeved Jacket

The short sleeved jacket was last seen at a fourth of July party in 1982, known whereabouts include thrift stores and old folks homes. If you have any sightings please contact the Plaid Stallions missing fashions squad immediately.

Put Togethers Claim Another Victim

Not only are “Put Togethers” the goofiest clothing line since “Man Mates“ but they’ve incorporated Plaidstallions mascot Brick Mantooth into the mix. Nooooooooooo! Actually, this is the kind of stuff my Uncle Bob wears to family gatherings, the fashion train stopped for him.

Put Togethers : A New Name For Terror

Not content to let JC Penney’s Man Mates collection roam the earth unchallenged as the world’s only “Permanent Bachelor Wear” so Monkey Wards came up with “Put Togethers” a series of outfits that should have made God angry. All this month we’ll be featuring new put togethers, leaving you to judge which line is worse. […]