
Toy-Ventures: Amazing Superhero Vehicle Find! Mego, Simms, PPC

The Batmobile! The Spider-Car with Web Trap and Captain America’s pick up? Come explore the amazing lot of Superhero vehicles that eBay almost lost. Mego, Mattel, Simms and some of the rarest 80s Marvel merchandise ever!   #toyventures #plaidstallions #mego #secretwars Plaidstallions, toyventures, mego, mego museum, pocket superheroes, pocket heroes, mattel secret wars, […]

Activated Marvel Super Heroes by PPC

images graciously provided by Hakes Auctions Right after Mego and just before Secret Wars, Activated Superheroes are a forgotten series of Marvel Superhero figures produced by Processed Plastic Corp (sexy name eh?) or PPC for short. PPC trade ad which includes the Activated Superheroes These are well sculpted “army men” type characters (that remind me […]