
Made to Mix

No matter how you mix and match these hot styles, they’ll see you comin’ and remember you. That expression of manly confidence, I can only hope to achieve that someday but next to this, I am but a boy….

Keep that Pimp Hand Strong!

“The fist” is one of the more common (and laughable) catalog model poses, it’s not utilized as much as the “Hand on Buckle” or “Arms Akimbo” but still sees a great deal of usage. One can imagine the photographer saying “Show me your rage baby!”

Plaid Stallions Boy’s Clubs

Did you know that children are growing up every day deprived of the confidence of wearing a suit made by Dupont? Or the luxury of wearing a white belt with white loafers?You can change all that with a (large) donation to the Plaidstallions Boy’s Clubs or “Brick’s Kids”, your donation will go towards educating a […]

Plaidstallions at Detour Magazine

Detour Magazine (which is an awesome read BTW) published a cool little piece on yours truly today, as an added bonus they didn’t use the picture of me I regretted sending in the first place. Life is good! Check out the piece here.

Interplanetary Star Fortress

I really dig unlicensed catalog play sets like this star fortresss. I’m sure that more than a few grandmothers were fooled into thinking this was a death star. I’ve never seen one but it looks to be entirely of laminated cardboard, I wonder how many survived?Also as a Star Wars nerd, the concept of Yoda, […]

A Tribute to Bad 70’s Fashion

Who doesn’t love a clip show? After more than a year and a half of blogging about polyester, it seemed fitting to put together a “Greatest Hits” packageof some of the bigger fashion attrocities of the 1970’s. Thanks of course, to the good catalogs at Aldens, JC Penney, Sears and Wards.So check out the best […]

The Plaid is Back!

It’s been too long without some fashion mockery and while these gents score high for truly being “Plaidstallions”, they lose points for not having their belts match their shoes.Source: 1975 Sears Catalog BTW, I wanted to confirm that this is indeed Gayle Sayers, Bob Griese and Tom Seaver modelling these fine outfits. I was born […]

As seen on TV

Plaidstallions makes the news There is nothing more surreal than a morning news show reading stuff you wrote. Thanks to Anthony for the video.

A Celebration of Brick

Today marks the one year anniversary of this blog and it seemed fitting to use it to pay a little attention to my favourite catalog model, Brick Mantooth. I originally blogged about him here, calling him “Brick Conners” (after “Mannix” star Mike) but eventually my appreciation for emergency star Randy Mantooth, forced me to change […]