
Big Jim Vs Fighting Furies

It looks like pirates are about to break up Big Jim’s camping trip, I’d watch this if it were a movie…. Like our Facebook Page Check out our Instagram Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

Matchbox Fighting Furies Commercial

This commercial reel has sat on my desk for over two years, it’s been driving me mad to honest. It did not disappoint, even though I honestly don’t recollect the Fighting Furies, seeing 70s sensation Mason Reese pimp this toy line is truly a highlight of my year, behold the original commercial for “The Kung Fu […]

Big Jim Pirates

While Big Jim was a memory in North America by 1978, European kids were getting cool new figures with kung fu grip hands. These pirates were mostly recycled P.A.C.K characters but they’re so cleverly done (especially the Zorak character) that it deserves praise.

Y’ar! Me Buckos!

With all the Pirate stuff in toy stores, I was reminded by the Matchbox line Fighting Furies, which was a line I never even saw as a kid.The figures were very well made but it was probably was hurt by the fact that the line only had two characters (although a third ghost figure was […]