
King Kong Needs Directions

Zachary sent in this cool shot that has to be from 1977, seeing as it was the height of “Kong Mania”. He tells me he’s not sure why he’s giving Kong directions in downtown Manhattan but it sure makes for a terrific photo. Hey, “The Song Remains The Same” is playing! Send us your Mall […]

Nerfman Trading Card

Trading Card #25 is Nerfman by Parker Brothers, he’s kind of forgotten now but this guy ruled, so I really wanted to honour him a bit. As an added nostalgic bonus, Nerfman is from the first toy dealer catalog I ever found because it came from my dad. Time for another great link in the […]

DVD Review: Monster Squad the Complete Series

Believe it or not, DVD reviews were originally a part of this site, I just stopped doing them mostly because of laziness (here is one I did almost three years ago) but I just needed to bring it back for the release of the Monster Squad TV series. Monster Squad was one of those shows […]

Potpourri of Coolness

Just a few random things I’ve forgotten to show off before hand. Firstly, I am elated to announce the DVD release of the Monster Squad television series this June 23rd. Not to be confused with the 1980s movie of the same name, this Monster Squad was a Saturday morning show reminscent of the Adam West […]

Superheroes VS Monsters

Yeah, I did another batch of trading cards that I’ll slowly reveal on slow news days. The first being my favourite catalog spread of all time, so it’s surprising it didn’t come out earlier. There are something so damn awesome about seeing two of my favourite toylines (in this case the Lincoln Monsters and the […]

The Top Coolest Monster Toys of the 1970’s

With October 31st a day away, it’s prime time to launch another Top Ten List, this time it’s (in my humble opinion of course) the top ten coolest Monster Toys of the 1970s. Being undead seems to be a big boon in the toy world. Even though the seventies were a far cry from the […]

A Goulish Gallery of Values

It’s refreshing to see this many monster toys on a Christmas catalog page, usually they get kind of dismissed or marginalized as being “seasonal”. The only thing missing is some slime. While I’ve blogged about Gre-Gory being the one that got away for me as a kid and my obsession with the Remco Monsters is […]

More Monster Rack Toys

With Halloween appraoching, it seemed like a great time to showcase all the little additions I have for the various Rack Toy pages on the site. It’s all about the Monsters this week. Above is a carded Azrak Hamway Frankenstein, later issue than the one previously featured on the site, the card now includes Dracula […]

Lincoln International Monsters Gallery

The Lincoln Monsters can often be dismissed as “Knockoffs” which they are but they are also a charming and fun monster toy line to collect. These eight inch Mego inspired figures debuted in the mid 1970’s by Lincoln International, these figures saw distribution in the United Kingdon, Europe and much of North America. They’re also […]

Made from the Strangest Stuff on Earth

We’re jetting forward to 1984 to take a look at Manglors, a rather unique toy offering from Ideal Toys. Manglors weren’t action figures (they had no articulation) but rather a new kind of concept, made of a spongy material that stretched and apparently could be reattached. Every character in the line seemed to be a […]